Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica (2024)

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 1 – on this visit to the bay, we had a bright, sunny day with low winds to cruise the bay’s collection of coves, glaciers, snow-covered islands and wildlife

From the southernmost point on this Antarctica expedition at Red Rock Bluff, we turned around to start our northern journey back along the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.  We made good progress sailing overnight and managed to avoid a huge storm (with winds gusting up to 100 knots) and found shelter in the late morning in Wilhelmina Bay (visited a few weeks before on the prior expedition).  Unlike the snowy visit on Christmas Day 2023, when Santa Claus did manage to find our GPS coordinates and flew his reindeer and sleigh to the area (and then boarded our ship to distribute gifts to all the good children on board), this time our Zodiac cruising was on a bright, sunny day with low winds.

Wilhelmina Bay is a collection of coves, glaciers and snow-covered islands.  In the winter, these waters would be covered by sea ice which opens during spring, allowing vessels to explore this amazing landscape.  Wilhelmina Bay is named after the Queen of the Netherlands, who reigned from 1890 to 1948.

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 2 – shortly after leaving the ship, our Zodiac driver spotted a crabeater seal on an ice floe

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 3 – a close up of the crabeater seal on an ice floe

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 4 – anyone for helicopter skiing?

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 5

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 6

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 7

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 8

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 9 – our ship appeared to play hide-and-seek amidst the icebergs all morning

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 10 – one for the money, two for the show – 2 crabeater seals sharing an iceberg

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 11 – a close up of the 2 crabeater seals sharing an iceberg

Wilhelmina Bay II, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, photograph # 12 – a lone skua was caught flying toward us from the mountain

Legal Notices: All photographs copyright © 2024 by Richard C. Edwards.  All Rights Reserved Worldwide.  Permission to link to this blog post is granted for educational and non-commercial purposes only.

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