Shop local: Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Provence, Turkey

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 1 – the entrance to the numerous streets that comprise the outdoor street farmers’ market in downtown Tïre on “market day”, not far from the Tïre Museum

From Kuşadası in western Turkey, we sailed west to the Aegean Sea port city of Izmir, Turkey, the country’s third largest city (population ~ 4 million) and second largest port (after Istanbul).  Izmir possesses a legacy thousands of years old, when it was known as Smyrna.  it was founded by the Greeks, taken over by the Romans and rebuilt by Alexander the Great before becoming part of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.  Today, its expansive archaeological sites include the Roman Agora of Smyrna, now an open-air museum.

One afternoon we toured downtown Izmir, spending a while in the city’s centuries old bazaar (dating back to the 17th century), the Kemeralti Bazaar, which is in the heart of downtown, not far from the seaside promenade and the heart of the city – Konak Square and the Clock Tower, made of marble and stone and a symbol of the city, a gift to Ottoman King Abdulhamit II by German Emperor Wilhelm II.  Our walk through the bazaar quarter began at the Kizlarğasi Hani, built in 1744, an Ottoman bedesten (warehouse) and kervansaray (caravanserai) similar to the İç (Inner) Bedesten in İstanbul’s famous Grand Bazaar.  Among many items for sale in the Kemeralti Bazaar were a variety of traditional Turkish crafts, ceramics, bronze ware, wooden objects, antiques, clothing, carpets, leather goods, and food products.  There were many cafés and small restaurants in addition to numerous fruit and produce vendors with local products for sale.

The following day we drove 90 minutes southeast of Izmir to one of the oldest municipalities in Turkey, Tïre, that relies heavily on agricultural products to keep its economy alive.  Figs, cotton, grains, cash crops, watermelons, cherries, walnuts, and chestnuts are all grown in the fertile soils surrounding the city.  On Tuesdays (our visit day) and Fridays, the surrounding community and visitors flock to the town to support its busy farmers’ market.  This was the beginning of strawberry season, and we saw beautiful eggplants, tomatoes, artichokes, leeks, lettuces, peas, green onions, beets, peppers, walnuts, etc. on our shopping stroll.  We bought some local eggplant which the chef in the Asian restaurant on board prepared — grilled with a miso paste rub — that was delicious with our Chinese cuisine dinner.

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 2 – note that the stalls in front of storefronts are usually outdoor stalls of goods from that store; where there are no storefronts, the vendors occupy the same space each market day and pay a small “rental” fee to the city of Tïre

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 3

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 4

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 5 – we bought some of the local Turkish bread that is eaten all day, especially for breakfast; most customers bought several or a half dozen for that day’s consumption

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 6

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 7 – wild asparagus, a local favorite vegetable

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 8. – a vendor taking a break, enjoying a Turkish tea

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 9

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 10 – in the cafés, we only saw men having drinks, mostly Turkish tea in small glasses

Market Day in Tíre, Izmir Province, Turkey, photograph # 11 — all in balance; when a customer wanted to buy some bread, he lowered the tray and grabbed a plastic bag and completed the transaction, then he raised the tray back on his head and walked down the street to another customer

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